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Minor Corrections

Part I

p11 Q1.1 Solution (1) line3

It is stated ``Therefore, we have at most 10^{14} cells.’’ Since this estimate is too crude, and not needed (and contradictory to our conclusion), it should be removed. (pointed out by Xueing Wang) 

p13 footnote 3 line 4 j u -> j e  J e pense, donc j e suis. (pointed out by Paul Delatte)

p95 Fig. 9.1, Not wrong, but the background of (a) should be removed.

Part II

p 143 line 9  inifinitesimal  ->  infinitesimal  (thanks to Prof Barry A Friedman)

p145 line 1 of 13.5    IS unit  ->  SI unit   (thanks to Prof Barry A Friedman)

p146 Footnote 10 Tate -> Tait

p157 The last line of [II], the formula for dS: \frac{ x }{T} i dX_i -> \frac{ x_i }{T}dX_i 

p160  (14.7)  S_1 + S_2 should be S (or this is better)  (thanks to Prof Barry A Friedman)

p182 last line (line 3 of16.3)  Fig. 14.1  ->  Fig. 14.3   (thanks to Prof Barry A Friedman)

p211 last line of the text: equals ->  =

(This is due to the editorial mechanical conversion of math symbols into English words.)

p235  Warning (last lines) and nothing to do with... -> and has nothing to do with....

p246 (19.58) From the RHS the absolute sign | is missing after the summation symbol.

p248 Footnote 23 line 2: single-standard DNA ->  single-stranded DNA

[Our copy editor was not biological!]  Also Elife should read eLife.

p285 Fig. 23.2 Caption: (a) and (b) must be switched . That is, the caption for (a) is for Fig (b) and vice versa.

p344 Two line above (27.67): se (Chapter 25)   ->   see (Chapter 25)

p377 One line above 29.2: E = 2PV/3   ->    E = 3PV/2.

p386 Footnote 12 (29.37): The overall minus sign is missing from the RHS.

Part III

p456 34.8 line 7    digeneracies -> degeneracies (pointed out by Prof Akira Kinjo (Osaka U)).


p496 top line positive -> non-negative

p496 footnote 27 axis specified the directional... -> axis specified  by the directional...


Boltzmann constant is missing: It is summarized in 9.11 p102.

Homogeneous function is missing: It is in Q27.1 discussing Euler’s theorem on p344.