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March 3, 2025

熱力学教科書版 ver 0.7     熱力学テキスト


Feb 2, 2025

熱力学教科書版 ver 0.6     熱力学テキスト


Jan 27, 2025

化学熱力学反省 微修正版  化学熱力学反省2025Jan27

Jan 11, 2025


化学熱力学反省   化学熱力学反省2025Jan11

Nov 2, 2024

Thermodynamics ver 0.51   Thermodynamics

This is a source for  lectures of thermodynamics for beginning graduate students. A textbook version will be prepared by sliming down this version.  This is an attempt to explain thermodynamics as a branch of physics, not as a part of mathematical physics.  Chemical thermodynamics is made mathematically as consistent as possible.

Nov 1, 2024

基礎熱力学 ver 0.82   基礎熱力学 


Oct 30, 2024

基礎熱力学 ver 0.81   


Oct 28, 2024

基礎熱力学 ver 0.8   


Oct 13, 2024



Aug 12, 2024

基礎熱力学 ver 0.6    


June 3, 2024

基礎熱力学 ver 0.5  


April 26, 2024

基礎熱力学 ver 0.418  


March 24, 2024

基礎熱力学 ver 0.41  


熱力学の概要 ver 0.32   熱力学の概要ab2024Mar22


以上は適時諸君のコメントを反映してversion updateをする.



August 27, 2023 Thermodynamics ver 0.02

Comments and corrections thanks to Barry Friedman are added.  

The part dedicated to chemical thermodynamics is still in a preliminary form with some augmentations

June 15, 2023  Thermodynamics ver 0.01 

This is a set of lectures of thermodynamics for beginning graduate students. Each

`lecture' (chapter) is constructed from relatively short `units'1 that focus on single

concepts or propositions. These units reference each other as hypertext. These lecture

notes explain thermodynamics at the graduate level based on the elementary

knowledges of physics and chemistry of macroscopic phenomena.

However, this current version contains many comments that criticize or correct

conventional approaches and existing textbooks, which are not required for a textbook.

Also, the part dedicated to chemical thermodynamics is still in a preliminary form,

although the needed principles are all given.


June 2, 2022 「非線形な世界」(東京大学出版会) 第3刷 補足も追加中.

May 12, 2022 「非線形な世界」(東京大学出版会)  3刷改訂一覧



現状: このかなりinformalなノートと別に3コースを用意しつつある.001,101,201.001の英語版を次に公開する.今後すべて基本的には(手間を省くために)英語版になる.全て終わった後で暇がれば日本語版を作るかもしれない.

Dec 26, 2021 熱力学講義ノート1-31 第0版  一応終了 

Dec 12, 2021 熱力学講義ノート1-29 第0版  24-29追加 安定性,第三法則など 

May 6, 2021

Armand Marie Leroi  The Lagoon How Aristotle invented science (Penguin Books 2014)  Lagoon, LagoonSummary

April 14, 2021 

I found an error in Perspectives.  Here is an added erratum.

p138 Footnote 9   revised

I wrote ``We could reduce the changing rate by choking the flux instead of reducing the driving force.  In this case slowing down the changing rate does not help us to realize reversible change.’’  

This applies only when energy loss or gain due to the process is first order in the changing rate.  

Therefore, the complete version of this footnote should read:

Why can we generally realize a reversible process by slowing down? Just as the slowly cooling coffee or slow leakage of gas exemplifies, slowing down is not enough to be reversible.  However, if the dissipated energy is second or higher order in the rate of change or the driving force of the change, then slowing down can make the total energy dissipation small.  For example, suppose the total quantity transported is $Q$ and the dissipation of energy is second order in the changing rate $Q/T$ ($T$ is the total required time). Then the total dissipation is $(Q/T)^2 \times T \propto Q^2/T$, which vanishes in the slow limit $T\map \infty$, even if $Q$ is not small. A good example is Joule heating loss $I^2R$, where $I$ is the current (changing rate of charge) and $R$ is the resistance of the resistor. Thus slowing down by reducing driving forces allows us to realize quasistatic processes.  

    In contrast, if  the energy loss rate is first order in the changing rate $Q/T$, then  the total dissipation is $(Q/T) \times T \propto Q$, which does not vanish in the slow limit $T\map \infty$.  The two examples at the beginning of this footnote are the examples.  Thus, for example, heat flow is reversible only if the flow is between two infinitesimally different temperatures (see 15.6).  In this case improving thermal insulation only increases $T$ without changing $Q$, so we must make $Q$ infinitesimal to make the energy loss infinitesimal.

Feb 22, 2021


Feb 21 2021

Detailed Table of Contents (the list of all the units 34 pages) for Applicable Analysis is added.

Jan 6 2021

Detailed hypertext table of contents is added to the Dynamical Systems lecture notes.

Dec 23, 2020



May 3, 2020  Comment

I avoid political or partisan contents/statements in my homepage, but I have decided to quote the url

!  https://apple.news/AKcWlfGBYR-SZ7Y1C22SVvA

that indicates the intellectual quality of the US.  My purpose is solely cultural and ethical; it is very sad that this quotation sounds partisan. Some said that the episode was taken out of context.  Maybe.  However, we must note that this episode should not be tolerated in a civilized country irrespective of any context (except for contexts explicitly denouncing it as stupidity).

 May 1, 2020   IV 428-433追加; 過去に掲示した分をクリーン中

Mar 11, 2020 IV 421-427追加

Jan 29, 2020  A Boxer: A Scheme of Heaven---the history of astrology and the search for our destiny in data (Norton 2020) excerpt added (humanities books)

Nov 20, 2019  Excerpts of various books have been added (Look at `Books’).  

                mathphys books         life science books          humanities books