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複雑系は自己組織的にあまりややこしい準備なしに自発的に何かnontrivial な事が生じる,という点にいままで力点が置かれてきた.これを物理歴史中に置いてみると,5 章ではっきり述べられるように,基本法則追求を目指すいわば一神教的世界観もとで,基本法則で直接カバーできなかったもを,さらなる「神」存在を要求しないで「自発」いうことで世界を説明しようとする,一神教補完発想と考えることができる.世界はそうはなっていないである.


Boomsma and Franks Social insects : from selfish genes to self organization and beyond

TREE  21 303-308 (2006)

Self-organization in insect societies is vastly superior to the self organization of mindless macromolecules. Although insect societies might indeed be hampered by individuality relative to metazoan bodies consisting of cloned cells, this constraint appears to be alleviated by the individuals having brains.

We therefore expect that insect societies might generally combine corporate ignorance on potentially controversial issues of reproduction [32,71] with spectacular self-organized collective intelligence for tasks that do not involve conflict.

脚注49補足 真核生物(Domain Eucarya)の5(=Kingdoms)ないしは6界一覧

これはMargulis の言う(生物学的に自然でない) 5 界とは根本的に違うことに注意.

われわれを含む生きものの仲間にどんなもがいるかは世界を理解する上で常識一部である.絵解き参照 IntroEucarya.pdf (password = IntroE) [これはINH Part 3 Chapter 10の簡略版である.英語.]

脚注49補足 アーキアは単系統か

8 J M Archibald The eocyte hypothesis and the origin of eukaryotic cells

P 105 20049 

An introduction to the following paper 20356.

*Eocyte (=Crenarchaeota) hypothesis by Lake et al: E came from a specific thermophilic A, but it was eventually overshadowed by the ABE theory of Woese.

*11-aa insertion in EF-1\a supported the eocyte tree. [Rivera + Lake S 331 184 (1992); P 93 7749 (1996)]

*Cox et al: LSU-SSU-rRNA supports eocyte.

*The ether-ester dichotomy of membranes exhibits no difficulty , if we accept the `operational' genes of E are primarily of B origin. MBE 21 2643 (2004).

*In any case Cox et al ``serve to put the eocyte hypothesis firmly back'' as a viable hypothesis.

Demise of Three domain Paradigm?

8 Cox The archaebacterial origin of eukaryotes

P 105 20356 

A is not monophyletic but consisting of Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota, which is sister to E. [C] Since there is no objective reason to believe B is the oldest, ProtoE shed first B (i.e., B branched off from the main tree trunk as a streamlined specialists) and then EA and finally CE to become true E is a meaningful proposal.