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Folding location overrides binding preference

Tottey et al., “Protein-folding location can regulate manganese-binding versus copper- or zinc-binding,” Nature 455, 1138 (2008). 

The paper studies the most abundant Cu2+-protein, CucA (Cu21-cupin A), and the most abundant Mn21-protein, MncA (Mn21-cupin A), in the periplasm of the cyanobacterium 

Synechocystis PCC 6803.


No folded state may be needed for enzymatic activities

Bemporad Biological function in a non-native partially folded state of a protein

EMBOJ  27 1525 (2008)

Sponer Tight Regulation of Unstructured Proteins: From Transcript Synthesis to Protein Degradation

S  322 1365 (2008)

(BG) Altered abundance of several intrinsically unstructured proteins (IUPs) has been associated with perturbed cellular signaling that may lead to pathological conditions such as cancer.

Abundant phosphorylation and low stochasticity in transcription and translation indicate that the availability of IUPs can be finely tuned. Fidelity in signaling may require that most IUPs be available in appropriate amounts and not present longer than needed.

論文によるとコウボ細胞内において6702タンパクうち1971のみがきちんとした形に折りたたまれる.2711は分子の70-90%くらいが確定した構造をもち,こりの2020highly unstructured proteinである.うえ引用にあるように,unstructured proteinsはより厳密に制御されているから重要な役割を担うことが推測される.実際.これらはシグナル伝達などに深く絡んでいると考えられている.Dunker, Function and structure of inherently disordered proteins,

 COSB  18 , 756 (2008). 多く構造が確定したシグナルタンパクが無構造的タンパクと結合することが知られている.また,遺伝子が重複されたときdosage imbalanceなど問題が起こるが,そ原因としてタンパク質無秩序領域タンパク質余計な相互作用があげられている.


 本書著者はunstructured proteinという言葉方がdisordered proteinよりいいと思っているが,大勢としてはdisordered proteinが定着しつつあるようである.

*Biological activity of conformational states distinct from fully folded structures could be more common than previously thought. 

*Non-native state populated transiently during folding of the acylphosphatase from 

Sulfolobus solfataricus is enzymatically active.
