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「哲学的議論」が出てくるのは多くの場合ふつうの哲学者(特に一部の科学哲学者) が物事を理解していないと感じられるときであって,本来必要である場合は少ない.卓見 · · · 逆説的であるが,まさにこの点で,つまり哲学史に登場しないという点で,オイラーは哲学史と思想史の時代を画しているのである.」 (山本義隆「重力と力学的世界古典としての古典力学」(現代数学社1981) p212) 参照.



Math is nonverbal in its core! 

Halberda et al., Individual differences in non-verbal number acuity correlate with maths achievement 

Nature  455, 665 (2008)

There are large individual differences in the non-verbal approximation abilities of 14-year-old children, and that these individual differences in the present correlate with children's past scores on standardized maths achievement tests, extending all the way back to kindergarten. 

 This correlation remains significant when controlling for individual differences in other cognitive and performance factors. Our results show that individual differences in achievement in school mathematics are related to individual differences in the acuity of an evolutionarily ancient, unlearned approximate number sense. 


Numerical skills are rooted in nonlinguistic biological primitives

Andreas Nieder, Stanislas Dehaene Representation of Number in the Brain

ARNS 32 185 (2009)

*Numerical skills are rooted in nonlinguistic biological primitives. 

*Numerical information is represented and processed by regions of the prefrontal and posterior parietal lobes, with the intraparietal sulcus as a key node for the representation of the semantic aspect of numerical quantity.

( 未完 )


コメントとしてはこちらの方が深刻である.それは,この本文の文脈でC. P. Snow の二つの文化についての議論を引用するのが適切であったか,という問題に関係している.ただし,本書では「二つの文化」という言葉を使ったから,敬意を表して原典を明示した,という以上を出るものではない(から,どうでもいいといえばいいが),しかし,C. P. Snowに文化に関する重要な発言をするような資格がそもそもあるのか,という問題があり,それはかなりに怪しいのだ.


A good many times I have been present at gathering of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is about the scientific equivalent of: {¥em Have you read a work of Shakespeare's}?'' (C.¥ P.¥ Snow,  The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution , The Rede Lecture 1959 (Cambridge UP, 1961) p15-6)


 20095月はこの講演の50年目に当たるのでNature  459 は特集記事を掲載した(p32-)

Dissecting The Two Cultures

Fifty years ago today, Charles Percy Snow argued in an influential lecture that the failure of science and the

humanities to converse, and the lack of scientists in positions of power, was disastrous for society. In the

first of three essays marking this anniversary,  Martin Kemp [ emeritus professor in history of art at the University of Oxford] contends that the real enemy of understanding is not these ‘Two Cultures’ but specialization in all disciplines


In 1962 Leavis (English literature critic) subjected Snow and ‘The Two Cultures’ to a stinging assault. ....

Leavis despised Snow’s literary works: “as a novelist he doesn’t exist; he doesn’t begin to exist. He can’t be said to know what a novel is.” Leavis also dismissed Snow’s authority as a cultural guru. … It is ridiculous to credit him with any capacity for serious thinking about the problems on which he offers to advise the world.”

Leavis acclaimed great literature as the true guardian of human values. ... For Leavis, science — and the technological society it was spawning — was devoid of humane values. 


Viewed historically, Snow’s way of setting up the debate about the two cultures was founded on a false comparison between knowledge of Shakespeare and thermodynamics. The roots of this mistaken comparison were laid when knowledge in all forms of learning started to become specialized and professionalized, reaching an apogee when disciplines were institutionalized in the nineteenth century. ... Snow’s poser about the second law of thermodynamics would be better matched against a narrower question in literary studies, such as asking what is meant by deconstruction as practised by the philosopher Jacques Derrida.


The issue does not involve two monolithic ‘cultures’ of science and humanities. It is about the narrow specialization of all disciplines and wider understanding.


I wonder how many biologists could answer Snow’s test question, especially in the light of modern physics. I suspect that most scholars in the humanities would fare little better with the Derrida test. The problem is educational. 

Modern Physicsなどまったく関係ない.第二法則を知らない生物学者はちょっと問題だ. Derridaを知らない平安朝文学の専門家は十二分にまともである(知らないほどまともであるかも)


 しかし,Snowにも熱力学の意義が本当にわかっていたのかどうか怪しいものである.Snowの比較で気になるのは,第二法則という宇宙的に普遍的な「知」とほんのこないだ書かれたばかりの地方文学を比較する点にある.もちろんShakespeareには普遍性があり, Leavisが賞賛するごとく,great literaturethe true guardian of human valuesである.しかし,ソーポクレースの悲劇の普遍性にくらべればそうでもないという批判さえ可能であろう.英文学以外の素養のないイギリス人相手だから許せるかもしれないが,それでも比較は穏当でない.



I now believe that if I had asked an even simper question --- such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? --- not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language.


もっと簡単な質問「質量、加速度とは何か」(これは「君は読むことができるか」というのと科学的に同等である)をしたら、その教養の高い人びとの十人中 の幾人かは私が彼らと同じことばを語っていると感じたろうと、現在、思っている。


Encyclopedia of Human Thermodynamics というサイトがあって( http://www.eoht.info/page/Encyclopedia+of+Human+Thermodynamics 驚いたことにC P Snowの項目がある(それなのにPrigogineはないからこのサイトのレベルに疑問を差しはさむべきかもしれない; 熱力学の濫用,誤用,拡大解釈 等の 見本市のようなサイトに見える; まともな記事もある.)