Mathematics/Physics contents
基礎熱力学 ver 0.82 基礎熱力学 (Nov 1, 2024)
以上は適時みなさんのコメントを反映してversion updateをする.
化学熱力学反省 化学熱力学反省2025Jan11
Thermodynamics ver 0.51 (Nov 2, 2024)
This is a source for lectures of thermodynamics for beginning graduate students. A textbook version will be prepared by sliming down this version. This is an attempt to explain thermodynamics as a branch of physics, not as a part of mathematical physics. Chemical thermodynamics is made mathematically as consistent as possible.
The difficulties of chemical thermodynamics (crude version, Jan 19, 2025)
Introduction to Dynamical Systems (see `Story Line’ p6-20 for an outline)
This is originally made for Phys 510 (2018, UIUC) in order to make its content serious. It is too much for one semester,
but it is from Introduction to Palis conjecture.
Statistical Thermodynamics: a jogging course (second introduction 2019)
This is based on the precursor of Perspectives of Statistical Thermodynamics (Cambridge UP, 2017) with `weekly discussion topics.’
Statistical Mechanics (graduate course)
偏微分方程式とはどんなものか PDF short exposition ただし図がない.
日本語ワープロ事始 基本特許 大野・栗原 特許公報 昭42-3241
「かな漢字変換の研究は,昭和 39年の九州大学の栗原らの特許出願が古い文献で.かな文の文節分かち書き法,単語辞書による照合法,構文分析法,意味解析など,かな漢字変換に関する基本的な手法を提案し,検討を加えた.この研究を利用して,いくつかの大型電子計算機を用いたかな漢字変換の実験システムが作られた.」(長尾真監修「日本語情報処理」(電子通信学会, 1984) p7.