Books:  mathematics and physics    

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数学のたのしみ 索引


Kolmogorov complexity kocomp.pdf


Rockafellar Convex Analysis for beginners   convintro.pdf


D. Gillies 中山智香子訳 確率の哲学的理論Philosophical theories of probability 日本経済評論社(2004) [Routledge 2000] 3. 論理説 [ProbP]

J. P. Romano and A. F. Siegel, Counterexamples in Probability and Statistics (Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole 1986) [CounterE]

G Shafer and V. Vovk, Probability and Finance, its only a game! (Wiley-Interscience 2001)  [ProbFin]

Jason Rosenhouse   The Monty Hall Problem  (Oxford, 2009)  montyh.pdf

竹内  偶然とは何かその積極的意味    takegu.pdf

P Diaconis and B Skyrm  Ten great ideas about chance    diaconis.pdf

Maria Carla Galavotti Philosophical Introduction to Probability   CSLI Lecture Notes number 167   philpro.pdf

Varadhan   Large deviation    varald.pdf

information theory

甘利俊一「情報理論」 (ダイヤモンド社) S Amari, Information Theory in English  [AmariT]

 N. Murata, Basics of Information theory in English  [MurataAIC] 村田昇 情報理論の基礎 SGC ライブラリ37 (2005)) 

J S Rissanen, Stochastic Complexity in Statistical Inquiry (World Sci. 1989) [Rissanen]

T M Cover and J A Thomas Elements of Information Theory (Wiley 1991)  incomplete  [Cover]

applied mathematics

山本昌宏 「逆問題」(岩波 2002)  [inverse]

M E J Newman  Network an introduction (Oxford 2010) network.pdf

General physics

S Weinberg   Dreams Of A Final Theory    dream.pdf

M Schlosshauer   Decoherence   (Springer, 2007)   decohe.pdf

Zurek Quantum Darwinism etc., zurekq.pdf


S N Lahiri: Resampling Methods for Dependent Data (Springer, 2003 519.52/L139r) [Resampling]

岩波数学辞典統計関係要約  Summary of statistics in English [StatisticsSummary]

A C Rencher, Methods of Multivariate Analysis (2nd Ed, Wiley, 2002). [MultiAnal]

E J Gumbel Statistics of Extremes (Columbia UP 1958) [Extreme]

R N Bhattacharya and R Ranga Rao Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansion  (R E Kriegel Publ Co, Malabar, FL 1986) [NormalApprox]